Wednesday, July 24, 2024


So, Marionette-in-Chief Joe Bidet has finally dropped out. Why? Because his puppet master (read Barry-O) said so. 

As long as he could string 3/4 of a sentence together, he was a serviceable puppet for this back-room democrat regime. But now, he's become such an embarrassment that the machine decided he will negatively affect other democrats running for congress and elsewhere. 

They have no concern for Sleepy Joe himself, only that his ineptitude will affect others seeking to gain or retain power in the coming election, so he must be removed from the equation. 

It's likely that the cackling, blathering, Kamala will take his place. (Substitute one mindless puppet for another, and keep on going.)

It makes no difference that she was a complete washout during her own 2020 presidential bid, or that she refused her assignment as border czar, or that she has done virtually nothing in the past 4 years except to tell anyone who will listen that "The passage of time is time passing" and "We need to do the things we need to do, because we need to do them". 

She is a tool (rhymes with fool) to do the bidding of the democratic elites, and to hell with all the democrat voters who already voted for Biden in primaries, and who didn't support her in her own 2020 run.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Where Are the Highway Cameras When You Need Them?

Are there any bigger douchebags on the highways than BMW and crotch-rocket drivers? I think not! 
If someone is tailgating you or weaving between lanes at high speeds, there's a 90% chance it's one of those two. 
Apparently, on the back of a BMW owners card is a certificate to the Entitled Assholes Club. 
Crotch-rocket d-bags have the added option of passing you on the shoulders, or making their own lane between the left and right lanes.
You know those signs asking us to "Watch out for motorcycles"? There needs to be a sticker we can put on them: "Except for reckless crotch-rocketeers - May they get what comes their way."

Monday, July 15, 2024

Boob Casey

Yes, it's an election year again, and in Pennsylvania that means career taxpayer-teat-sucker Bob Casey has popped his head out of his burrow after a 5-year nap, asking the electorate to vote for him again. 

What has he done for the past 5 years? Has anyone even seen him since his previous election? 

This guy is the poster child for do-nothing politicians. 

He's running commercials bad-mouthing his opponent as an out-of-state carpetbagger, who enriches himself in shady deals at the taxpayers' expense. At least THAT guy has the ambition to do something! (Meanwhile, Casey collects a government paycheck while doing nothing.) 

Other commercials tout his plans to crack down on corporations that are gouging consumers during this inflationary period. (Inflation due in large part to Kommandant-in-Chief Sleepy Joe's decision to shut down America's energy independence, so we have to go begging to our adversaries for expensive oil.)

Hey Casey, how about cracking down on something in your own backyard? The PA Department of Transportation raised car license renewal fees by 15% this year, well above inflation. Maybe show that you can successfully effect change on A GOVERNMENT AGENCY IN YOUR OWN STATE, before attempting the big-boy step to take on corporate greed. 

Pennsylvanians deserve better - from both parties. Democrats trot out this waste-of-space every 6 years, and he still manages to get elected. Republicans have another out-of-state drifter on the ballot. Has the Republican Party learned nothing from the last election, where they offered up another out-of-state carpetbagger (Dr. Frank Oz) to run against John Fetterman, who won without the advantage of being the incumbent? Being a political outsider worked for Donald Trump, but he had a history of getting things done in the corporate world. Meanwhile, Oz had a talk show. 

In addition to Casey's prolonged absences from the public eye, he has a striking resemblance to dilettante Philadelphia Eagles' owner Jeffrey Lurie and/or Sesame Street's Bert. (Hmm... perhaps staying out of view is a better option for Casey after all.)